Energy East – Verging towards victory, staying strong and revealing the spin

This week’s Energy East update includes the efforts of a New Brunswick landowner to have the pipeline diverted away from his property, a message to stay strong against the pipeline from Nebraskan farmer-turned-activist Ben Gotschall, revelations of TransCanada’s spin doctoring, a black snake prophecy linked to the tar sands pipelines and how the NDP’s pipeline support contradicts their Climate Change Accountability Act.

On the verge of victory

Dave Core, head of the Canadian Association of Energy and Pipeline Landowner Associations, says Rick Verge, a Hampton-area man may succeed in diverting TransCanada’s proposed Energy East pipeline away from his property.

Stay strong

Ben Gotschall of Bold Nebraska who visited New Brunswick in early November as part of a tour with CCNB’s Fundy Baykeeper Matt Abbott and Council of Canadians’ Maude Barlow has a message for Canadians: Stay strong against the TransCanada pipeline.

TransCanada’s spin doctoring revealed

Greenpeace has released dozens of pages of TransCanada’s Energy East Strategic Plan, which includes mounting a fake grassroots campaign. The Guardian is reporting it as a PR blitz to safeguard its backup plan for the Keystone pipeline: the “Energy East strategy drawn up by public relations firm Edelman calls for thousands of activists, major online campaign and digging into background of opposition groups as methods TransCanada Corporation should use to ‘play offence’ against its detractors.” Environmental Defence is calling it a desperate attempt to gain support for a pipeline that is too risky.

The Energy East pipeline and the black snake prophecy

Anthony David Peter-Paul writes about how some New Brunswick Maliseet are interpreting a traditional black snake prophecy as TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline that could ravage the people of the Wolastoq (Saint John River).

Climate change accountability can’t include supporting Energy East

Canada’s opposition environment critic Megan Leslie recently sent postcards to all her Halifax constituents asking them to support the NDP’s Climate Change Accountability Act. Organizers from Stop Energy East Halifax concerned by the NDP’s support for the Energy East pipeline are adding a message: you can’t lead on climate and support Energy East. Catherine Abreu of the Ecology Action Centre writes: “At this point, it is an either/or choice: either we invest in clean energy infrastructure or we continue down the road of fossil fuels.”

Stay tuned for more updates including action ideas!


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