Introducing the Maritime Sustainable Energy Network

Our Executive Director Lois Corbett was proud to participate in the inaugural meeting of the Maritime Sustainable Energy Network this weekend.

The group brings together sustainable energy and climate thought leaders from across the region to give direction and guidance to Atlantic Canadian premiers to help the transition toward a clean energy economy.

Executive Director Lois Corbett, second row on left.
Executive Director Lois Corbett, second row on left.

The group is a project of the Charlottetown Initiative which came out of the UN’s climate conference in Paris. 

Over the two-day meeting the group identified four priority actions that Maritime premiers can move on over the next few years. First: establishing public processes to determine each of the province’s fair share contribution to meeting the new global goal of limiting average warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Second: removing regulatory and grid-related barriers to local, distributed community energy projects. Third: focusing on energy efficiency, and, fourth: decarbonizing and electrifying heating and transport.

We look forward to continuing this regional effort to help develop policy for sustainable energy and climate action and lead the transition to a clean energy economy for the Maritimes and Canada.

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