Membership Month Week Three: A wellspring of hope

Thanks to you, the value New Brunswickers place on our water has skyrocketed to the top of the priority list for our incoming politicians. For maybe the first time in history, water was on the ballot.

You did this!

You did it through your enthusiasm when talking to friends and neighbours and candidates about the rivers you love swimming and fishing in; through your appreciation for the clean, free-flowing tap water we are so fortunate to have in abundance.

We all did this!

We did it together in a chorus of voices singing the love and praise for this most precious resource that flows through our lives in every way; in our bodies, through our communities and at the centre of our economy.

This chorus has taken the pressure of shale gas fracking off our waterways and drinking water with the much-anticipated moratorium announcement coming any day now.  New Brunswickers, and our waters, are breathing a sigh of relief.

Thank you.

And we have a feeling that 2015 will be another wonderful year for water! We’ve been cooking up great campaign ideas which will be sure to leave you swimming with excitement. And you’ll want to be a part of it!

A membership during the month of November is just $30 and will keep our water protection program afloat and enable us to continue wading into the issues on behalf of the waters you love – like the Nashwaak, the Miramichi, the St. John and all the tributaries in between.

I’m looking forward to seeing you out on the water!

Yours truly,

Stephanie Merrill
Director, Freshwater Protection Program

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