Table 3 – Directly Affected, Issue 1


TABLE 3 – Issue 1: The need for the Project.
This request for Intervenor status in the NEB hearings on the Transmountain Pipeline Expansion is being made because it will have a direct impact on my life in at least three different ways. I would like to address Topic #1″Is there a need for a pipeline?”First, for more than a decade, I have been part of a large group of volunteers who have finally succeeded in restoring the wild salmon run in the Tsolum River. I want to see the salmon grow and flourish, and I believe that the inevitable spills from pipeline and tankers will make this impossible.Second, the taxes and revenue derived from this project by the BC governments amount to $6.00 and change per citizen. Does this small sum of money justify putting one of the world’s most beautiful and fragile coastlines at risk?

Finally, I am a grandmother. I ask leaders and decision-makers to deeply consider how this project will affect the quality of life for the next seven generations of those who will live on our bountiful, uniqe, and fragile west coast.

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