NB Power files EIA for major restoration on the Skutik (St. Croix) River
Today, the Department of Environment and Local Government registered NB Power’s project to restore Salmon Falls on the Skutik (St. Croix) River by decommissioning and removing the Milltown Dam.
“The removal of the Milltown Dam and restoration of Salmon falls will be good for fish like gaspereau and everything that eats them, good for the river, and good for the Bay of Fundy,” said Matthew Abbott, Fundy Baykeeper with the Conservation Council of New Brunswick.
The Milltown Dam is the first barrier migrating fish face as they swim up the Skutik river to their ancestral spawning grounds. Removing the dam and restoring Salmon Falls will allow for growing fish runs that are not limited by the size and effectiveness of the existing fish ladder.
NB Power files EIA for major restoration on the Skutik (St. Croix) River Read More »