A big win for the Bay of Fundy

Great news for all who love our Bay of Fundy and New Brunswick’s beautiful freshwater rivers, lakes and streams.

TransCanada has announced it is abandoning its Energy East oil sands pipeline — a project we here at the Conservation Council have been working hard to stop for the past five years.

We want to thank you, our members and supporters, for being right there with us from day one. With you, and so many of our fellow New Brunswickers — from mayors and councillors in Edmundston, to activists all along the route, to our friends in the Council of Canadians and the Red Head Community Association in Saint John, and our supporters in First Nations and scientific communities — we were able to amplify your concerns for our Bay of Fundy, our freshwater and our climate into one resounding call for common sense to prevail — and today it has.

Here’s what our Fundy Baykeeper, Matt Abbott, told the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal right as the news broke on Oct. 5:

“It’s an important day. When I think of long-term sustainable jobs in our coastal communities, for owner-operated fisheries, today is important; when I think of jobs in the eco-tourism industry, today is important, and when I look at long-term impact on whales and other species in the Bay of Fundy, many of which are already under severe stress, it’s important that they don’t have the additional stress of a project like Energy East.”
And here’s what Lois Corbett, our Executive Director, said to CBC National News Network host Suhana Meharchand during a live interview on national TV:

“I’m very pleased and joined with folks clear across the country, I think with two initial reactions: a huge sigh of relief, first of all that common sense has played out at the end of the day, and secondly, a bit of hope that … we can turn the page and put our shoulders into developing economies in the new modern era of green energy, sustainable solutions, instead of the old model of fossil fuel burning.”

We all own a part of this victory.

To our members and supporters: Thank you for everything you have done to help get us here —  from talking to your friends and neighbours about your concerns, or participating in the National Energy Board process, sending letters, sharing our posts on social media, and of course, your continued support of our work for New Brunswick’s environment and a sustainable economy. Together, we played a big role in today’s momentous news.

Thank you!


Lois Corbett & Matt Abbott

P.s: We just can’t get enough of this ? here’s a video of our Humpback whale friend doing a special dance in the Bay of Fundy just for you.

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