Tracy Glynn

Government researchers’ scientific integrity now protected in collective agreement

A historic union win on Dec. 12 will unmuzzle government scientists, allowing them to defend the scientific integrity of their research. The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) won the inclusion of enshrining scientific integrity in their collective agreement with the federal government. Members of PIPSC include scientists, auditors, information technology experts

Government researchers’ scientific integrity now protected in collective agreement Read More »

“This plan rests with the best in the country:” Louise Comeau on NB Climate Action Plan

Louise Comeau, the Conservation Council of New Brunswick’s Climate and Energy Solutions Director, is applauding the New Brunswick Climate Action Plan released today, Dec. 7, 2016. “This plan rests with the best in the country,” Comeau told CBC. “It is very good — if it’s fully implemented and that of course is what our work

“This plan rests with the best in the country:” Louise Comeau on NB Climate Action Plan Read More »

New Brunswick’s largest ever petition calls for ban of glyphosates in the forest

The work of New Brunswickers to ban glyphosates in forestry in the province marked a milestone on Dec. 6 when it collected the largest number of signatures to any petition ever tabled in the Legislative Assembly. To date, almost 28,000 New Brunswickers have signed a hard copy petition against spraying glyphosates in the forest in just

New Brunswick’s largest ever petition calls for ban of glyphosates in the forest Read More »

‘It raises a lot of questions:’ Matt Abbott on Irving Pulp and Paper being charged with illegal dumping into St. John River

Irving Pulp and Paper Ltd. is facing 15 counts of illegal dumping into the St. John River. The company is alleged to have violated the Fisheries Act between June 2014 and August 2016 at its Reversing Falls mill in Saint John. Matt Abbott, the Conservation Council’s Fundy Baykeeper, told CBC on Dec. 1st that, “It raises a

‘It raises a lot of questions:’ Matt Abbott on Irving Pulp and Paper being charged with illegal dumping into St. John River Read More »

Louise Comeau on flood preparedness in New Brunswick

Louise Comeau, the Conservation Council’s Director of Climate Change and Energy Solutions, told CBC in a story published on Nov. 1, 2016 that a new report on flood preparedness in Canadian provinces and the Yukon by a researcher at the University of Waterloo only give us the part of the picture. The report gave New Brunswick a

Louise Comeau on flood preparedness in New Brunswick Read More »

EcoNews – Let’s talk climate action, fish habitat & great trees

This edition of EcoNews covers the Conservation Council’s responses to the report by the Select Committee on Climate Change and government strategies on local food and water protection. Also included here: information on how to make your views known on protection of fish habitat, a heartwarming story about the Wil-Doo Community Bike Club in Fredericton, our

EcoNews – Let’s talk climate action, fish habitat & great trees Read More »

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