Forest Conservation

Posts related to Forest Conservation

Take Action for Our Forest – Write Your MLA/Sign Our Petition

The Conservation Council has launched a petition and made it easy for you to send a letter to your MLA and Premier Brian Gallant on protecting our Acadian forest. Please return your petitions to us before the end of April. The petition and the letter asks our MLAs to support four actions for our forest: […]

Take Action for Our Forest – Write Your MLA/Sign Our Petition Read More »

What’s up in our forest? Mobilization, certification & trade action

In this forest update, a heads up on how to mobilize for our forest in New Brunswick, analysis of Nova Scotia’s move towards FSC certification of its forest and news of trade action being taken against Irving Paper and other companies for putting cheap wood on the U.S. market. If in Fredericton, hope to see

What’s up in our forest? Mobilization, certification & trade action Read More »

Protection of our forest is now open for debate

Today, Wednesday, February 18, 2015, David Coon, MLA for Fredericton South, introduced a bill to the Legislative Assembly called, An Act to Return to the Crown Certain Rights Related to Wood Supply and Forest Management. Joining the Conservation Council’s Lois Corbett and Tracy Glynn today for the introduction of the bill was St. Mary’s Chief

Protection of our forest is now open for debate Read More »

Great news for Fredericton’s Ferris St. Forest & Wetland!

We have good news to warm you this frigid January morning! The Nature Trust’s application for a leasing agreement with the City of Fredericton to co-manage the Ferris Street forest and wetland surrounding the Sunset berry fields has been accepted by Fredericton City Council. The agreement aims to ensure that this special area of Fredericton

Great news for Fredericton’s Ferris St. Forest & Wetland! Read More »

CCNB’s Lois Corbett responds to release of forest documents [Video]

Lois Corbett of the Conservation Council welcomes the release of the forest plan documents and anticipates the release of maps and more scientific information needed to make informed decisions about wise forest management that protects wildlife habitat, old forest and rivers and streams. Watch here. 

CCNB’s Lois Corbett responds to release of forest documents [Video] Read More »

Conservation Council pleased to see government raising bar on accountability and transparency around public forests

(Voir ce message en français) (Fredericton, N.B.) — The Conservation Council of New Brunswick is commending the provincial government for releasing the details of the forestry agreements signed last year by the previous government. “We’re pleased this government has cast some transparency and light on deals New Brunswickers should know about,” says Lois Corbett, Executive

Conservation Council pleased to see government raising bar on accountability and transparency around public forests Read More »

CCNB’s Lois Corbett on voters and the environment

From: Province at crossroads on natural resources by Chris Morris, Telegraph-Journal, August 5, 2014. “I think the voter has moved beyond the old jobs-versus-the-environment argument and the belief that you can only have one or the other,” says Lois Corbett, executive director of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick. “Folks have a much more sophisticated

CCNB’s Lois Corbett on voters and the environment Read More »

Conservation Council video shows forest loss in New Brunswick

The Conservation Council of New Brunswick has released a short video that shows remarkable forest loss in New Brunswick from 2000 to 2013. The animated maps reveal that the picture province is no longer home to large intact forest areas. The Conservation Council is concerned that the New Brunswick’s forest strategy will further degrade the

Conservation Council video shows forest loss in New Brunswick Read More »

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