The Conservation Council is an official intervenor for the joint federal and provincial review process for the Sisson mine project. We hired 11 scientific experts to review the scientific merits of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report in October 2013. The federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is preparing a report on its findings regarding the environmental and social impacts of the proposed mine. We do not know when this report will be released for public comment.
The experts made scientific comments including gaps in understanding a potential tailings failure into the Nashwaak watershed, impacts to the threatened Atlantic salmon population, impacts to health of mine workers and financial costs and benefits of the project.
We are encouraged to see a public hearing will be hosted by the provincial government in the affected community of Stanley.
Those who want to learn more about the project may attend and participate in the opportunity on June 22 at the Stanley High School Gymnasium.
Jon MacNeill, Communications Officer: or 506.458.8747