We work hard to ensure a strong environmental voice is heard in the New Brunswick print, radio and television media. Here are the latest stories Conservation Council staff have been called upon for expertise, analysis and commentary:
May 11 | “Shortsighted and unrealistic”: Conservation Council, NBASGA pan Premier Higgs’ shale gas speculation in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal.
May 5 | “A wake-up call for loss of old growth forest to clearcutting”: Our Executive Director, Lois Corbett, speaks to the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal about new research showing that clearcutting and softwood plantations are causing massive bird population declines in New Brunswick.
May 4 | “Research further proves need for ecological forestry in New Brunswick”: The Conservation Council’s call for forestry reform is covered in the National Observer’s article on Dr. Matthew Betts’ latest research.
May 3 | Corbett speaks to the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal on just transition for NB coal workers