CCNB & NBEN meet with Environment Minister

Your CCNB Executive Director, Lois Corbett, and Vice President (policy) of your Board of  Directors met with N.B. Environment Minister Brian Kenny on March 2.

The Conservation Council was part of a large delegation of member groups of the New Brunswick Environment Network, which organized the meeting.

Corbett was asked by the groups in attendance to lead the discussion with the Minister about climate change. She urged the minister to draw on the expertise and support of the environmental community and discussed ways that NB could “punch above its weight class” on climate protection, especially on job creation from investments in energy efficiency and clean energy, and, adapting to our changing climate. They also discussed the expected content and outcome of the First Ministers meeting on March 4, which Premier Gallant attended.

The groups also discussed the recently released discussion paper on a provincial water protection strategy, incorporating environmental protection into municipal planning legislation, herbicide spraying in NB crown forest, and the Energy East pipeline.

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