FREDERICTON — The Conservation Council of New Brunswick is pleased with Federal Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s pledge to act on climate change by proposing a carbon pricing framework for the country.
Speaking to the Calgary Petroleum Club on Friday, Trudeau proposed a federal carbon pricing framework that would build on the existing carbon pricing programs already underway in several provinces. Modeled after the Medicare system, where the federal government sets national standards in law for health care and transfers money to the provinces and territories to cover the medical expenses of their citizens, Mr. Trudeau said the framework would include federal support to help provinces meet targets for reducing carbon pollution.
Mr. Trudeau said his plan would improve Canada’s international reputation.
“We already know from the experiences of other countries that putting a price on carbon is an important step for reducing emissions and moving economies away from a dependence on oil and coal,” said Lois Corbett, Executive Director of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick.
Corbett says additional steps will be necessary to help make Canada and its provinces leaders in climate protection, including federal contributions toward scaling up investment in energy efficiency, and support for the development of clean energy plans that include first capping fossil fuel developments, and then phasing-out the use of coal and oil over time.
The Conservation Council of New Brunswick
Established in 1969, the Conservation Council serves as the province’s leading voice for conservation and environmental protection. A leading public policy advocate, CCNB works to find practical solutions to help families and educators, citizens, governments and businesses protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, the precious marine ecosystem and the land, including the forests, that support us.
To arrange an interview, contact:
Jon MacNeill, Communications Officer | 458-8747 | 261-1353 |