CCNB’s Stephanie Merrill on risks of hydraulic fracturing

Our Freshwater Protection Program coordinator, Stephanie Merrill, was quoted in a March 3 article in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal about the future of shale gas development in the province.

The article looked at the possibility of government extending the exploration licence of SWN Resources, a company that has licenses to explore roughly one seventh of the entire province.

Merrill said that, regardless of what happens with the exploration licenses, she believes the pending government review will show that fracking is too dangerous for human health and the environment.

I can’t really speculate on SWN’s strategy or what it means for the future of their work in New Brunswick,Merrill was quoted. “The fact remains that Premier Brian Gallant has instituted a moratorium because of the health and environment risks. We are confident that at the end of the government’s review the premier’s decision will remain that shale gas development is not a good fit next to our communities and our waters.

Merrill also pointed out that the provincial government has pledged to review and bolster New Brunswick’s climate action plan to address a shortfall in lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Per capita, the province is the third biggest contributor to climate change in Canada.

Fossil fuels like shale gas and aggressive climate targets just don’t go together if we’re going to take meeting our commitments seriously,Merrill said.

Read the full story here.

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