Come on down! Rally for Our Forest

The Rally for Our Forest is happening Tuesday, May 13 at the NB Legislature in Fredericton. Gather at 12 noon. Speeches start at 12:30pm. Join us for lively rally under sunny skies with songs and speakers on why the forest plan must go. Come on down!

Lyrics by Lawrence Wuest

Come on Down

Come on down to the Maritimes

We’re in trouble in troubled times

Bring your ax, it’s a free for all


Yes, bring your ax, your spikes, your Huggers

We’re bein’ mauled by the Tree Top Muggers

Cut and run, they’ll strip us all


If you want to join the feast were serving

Follow the money on the trails flagged Irving

Why pay tax, it’s a free for all



If you need a tree, a well, or a mine

a sweetheart deal, just step in line

We’re the mecca and the promised land

giving it away to the gilded clan


Come down east to the Maritimes

We’re in trouble in troubled times

Bring your ax, sing the same old song


In the middle___ of the shaft,

we’re gettin’ screwed, ___ fracked and hacked

Why pay tax, if you own it all


Come to see the last of trees

Take one home, they’re all goin’ free

Don’t hold back, they’re bound to fall



No matter what the tree or farm or river

The system’s got its finger in your deep dark innards

You know what the boys in the House are sellin’

Alward’s the madame, but he’s not tellin’


Oh, Come on down to the Maritimes

We’re in trouble in troubled times

Bring your ax, it’s a free for all



The money goes in, unh!, the money goes out, Ah!

where it’s headed, there is no doubt

pay your tax, they’ve got your balls


Inshore, offshore, its all the same

In the world of Irving, we can play that game

why pay tax if you own it all



No matter if were headed, down the river

The boys in the Big House will deliver

Come and get screwed when your body’s saggin’

Alward’s the Madame, he’ll fix your wagon


Come down east to the Maritimes

We’re in trouble in troubled times

Bring your ax, it’s the same old tune


Fractured fate, it just can’t wait

We are living in a captured state

Want your freedom, that’s a long lost dream


Tabloids, TV, radio news,

Irving’s got it tied up, they just can’t lose

You’ve got one choice, any way you move



No matter where you go or what the byline

There’s just one voice that grips the headline

Forget about raising a counter opinion

Irving’s got a leash on the whole dominion


Yes, Come on down to the Maritimes

We’re in trouble in troubled times

Bring your ax, sing the same old song


Come on down to the Maritimes

We’re in trouble in troubled times


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