January 21, 2013
Conservation Council clarifies work on Saint John River
Re: “Project changes will ease fears — group” by Tara Chislett,
published in The Daily Gleaner on Jan. 19th.
We are pleased to learn that WWF is clarifying its handling of its “Living Rivers” project on the Saint John River. The Conservation Council of New Brunswick is aware that, during the last while, rumours have circulated regarding our involvement in this project, specifically in regard to the Mactaquac Dam.
There has been a fair amount of misunderstanding regarding our involvement in WWF’s current work on the Saint John River. We are very glad WWF has clarified the situation. We want to stress that the Conservation Council of New Brunswick has not taken a position in favour of decommissioning the Mactaquac dam, despite talk that has been circulated in the public. WWF is leading and managing their project for which they have received a generous grant. It is WWF’s role to make certain that no misunderstanding or misinformation is communicated to the public and the media. We are very glad that they have done just that.
The Conservation Council was instrumental in galvanizing the public around the Saint John River in the 1960s that lead to a major increase in water quality and the formation of Clean Environment Act. This coming together of scientists and naturalists was actually the beginning of the founding of the Conservation Council in 1969. Today, we continue our work to understand and engage the public on what needs to be done to continue to create a healthy river.
For more information on Conservation Council’s work on the Saint John River, please contact Stephanie Merrill at water@conservationcouncil.ca or 506.458.8747