Conservation Council statement on National Tree Day


FREDERICTON — Stephanie Merrill, Acting Executive Director of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick, issued the following statement to mark National Tree Day, Sept. 23, 2015:

We think it’s fitting that National Tree Day should happen during the time of year when the leaves begin changing to paint our parks, forests and communities a beautiful spectrum of autumn colours.

While we celebrate National Tree Day this year, we also reflect on the changing nature of our Acadian mixedwood forest to a more homogeneous plantation of black spruce and jack pine.

Earlier this year, Auditor General Kim MacPherson released her performance audit of the Department of Natural Resource’s silviculture program. MacPherson’s report determined the department fell short in fulfilling some its management and oversight responsibilities during the audit period (2009-2014).

Among the more troubling findings, the Auditor General determined that successive governments have ignored reports and recommendations to reduce the amount of clearcut harvesting permitted in our public forests. Despite multiple calls for a reduction in clearcuts, the Auditor General found that 80 per cent of all wood cut in public forests in the last decade was harvested by clear cut. Meanwhile, the amount of wood harvested by selective or partial cut has declined to roughly 10 per cent in recent years.

The Auditor General recommended that the Department of Natural Resources reduce the area of clearcuts allowed in the public forest. This recommendation, and the others included in the Auditor General’s report, will go a long way toward ensuring we’ll be able to continue celebrating National Tree Day and our natural Acadian forest for many generations to come.


To arrange an interview, contact:

Jon MacNeill, Communications Director, 458-8747, 234-1353,

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