In this edition of EcoNews, we’re sending a huge thank you and shout out to the members and supporters who made our year-end fundraising drive one of our most successful ever, and we bring you up to speed on some key files and events we’re working on in the early weeks and months of 2022.

Thank You To Our Amazing Donors And Supporters!

Are we ever feeling the love in this New Year! We’re sending a big, heartfelt thank you to all of our phenomenal donors and supporters who made our year-end fundraising drive an amazing success.  The contributions from New Brunswickers like you protect our independence as our province’s No. 1 voice for smart public policy on environmental issues and leaves us well positioned to have an even greater impact in the year ahead. Thank you, again, for standing by us in what we know was an exceptionally challenging year. We look forward to working together with you in 2022 to continue protecting the air we breathe, our beautiful land and forests, and our precious rivers, lakes, bays and marine waters and coasts. Want to help us jumpstart a successful 2022 even more? You can share this newsletter with friends, family and colleagues and encourage them to sign up for our free EcoNews to stay up to date on pressing environmental issues in N.B. and exciting opportunities to make a difference in their community!

Highlights From A Year Of Environmental Action!

As you know, we held our 52nd Annual General Meeting in late 2021 to highlight the important work our staff carried out thanks to supporters like you. More than 50 people attended our virtual event and shared in lively conversations and heard informative presentations from our team. If you missed the AGM, you can check out our 2020-21 Annual Report at the link below.

Dr. Comeau Presenting At Standing Committee As Province Updates Climate Action Plan

The Standing Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship began hearing from experts today as the province moves to update its climate change action plan. Our Dr. Louise Comeau, Director of Climate Change and Energy Solutions, presents on Jan. 18 and will tell MLAs that an updated plan won’t be complete without a strategy for shifting our energy system to at least 80 per cent renewables by 2030 and better supporting New Brunswickers to install more energy-efficient insulation, doors and windows in their homes. Learn more about the meetings at the link below, and stay tuned to our website for updates on the presentations and the broader public consultation period.

It's A Busy Winter At Fundy Baykeeper

Our fantastic Fundy Baykeeper, Matt Abbott, has a rundown for you on the files and projects his team is working on in the first few months of 2022, including monitoring plans for salmon farming expansion in the Bay of Fundy, a powerful new film about efforts to recover the critically-endangered North Atlantic right whale, and the inspiring project to restore alewives, an important food fish species, in the Skutik (St. Croix) River.

Update On Provincial Water Strategy Progress

Our Executive Director, Lois Corbett, brings you this great update on progress made to date on the provincial Water Protection Strategy, including a breakdown of the areas where government has checked entries off its action item list and a look at the areas where we’ve seen little movement yet.

Upcoming/Ongoing Events

Ongoing, 2022 — The Conservation Council’s Community Art Fundraiser — Check out our online art gallery featuring works from the talented and passionate artists involved in Phase 2 of our From Harm to Harmony community arts project. See beautiful works for sale in a variety of artistic mediums, with 70 per cent of proceeds going to the local artist creator and 30 per cent toward the Conservation Council’s work! View the gallery here.

Jan. 19, 2022 — Fredericton’s Green Resilience Project: Do you live in the Fredericton region? You’re invited to take part in a virtual conversation hosted by the Conservation Council in partnership with the Green Resilience Project where you’ll join with fellow community members to discuss the links between climate change, income security, and community resilience. Register here.

Jan. 26, 2022 — Webinar: Improving energy efficiency and living conditions for low-income New Brunswickers. Join the Conservation Council for a discussion with Nicole Alice McKenna (NB Power) and Janet Collins (Department of Social Development) on what options are available for New Brunswickers to improve their energy efficiency and living conditions. This webinar is intended to provide information on New Brunswick programs for energy retrofits and living standard upgrades that do not raise the cost of living. Register here.

Jan. 31 – Feb. 1 2022 — Your Forest In A Changing Climate Conference 2022: Our friends at the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners are holding a two-day conference to support sound silviculture management decisions by woodlot owners and forestry professionals. Register here.

We work hard to ensure a strong environmental voice is heard in the New Brunswick print, radio and television media. Here are the latest stories Conservation Council staff have been called upon for expertise, analysis and commentary:

Dec. 27, 2021: Louise Comeau, Director of our Climate Change and Energy Solutions program, speaks to the reporters about the need for a comprehensive climate change risk assessment for New Brunswick. Read her interview with the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal here, and with CBC New Brunswick here

Dec. 22, 2021: The Conservation Council’s electric school bus campaign, part of the Pan-Canadian Electric School Bus Alliance, was featured in Electric Autonomy Canada. Read the article here.  

Thank you for reading our newsletter!

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