In this edition of EcoNews, we bring you our heartfelt thanks following our most successful year-end fundraising drive yet; we share details (what few are available, anyway) on the legislature’s new committee studying glyphosate and other environmental issues; we give you our reaction to the clean energy deal between Hydro-Quebec and NB Power; we update you on the latest media hits from the Conservation Council; and, we share with you an exciting announcement from Conserver House!
Thank you for all the lovin’!
Well shucks — you sure know how to make an old non-profit feel special! Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to everyone who contributed to our year-end fundraising campaign. We had our most successful December fundraising drive ever — which we think is pretty darn cool for our 50th anniversary year. Donations from people like you are our core source of funding and ensure that we remain a strong, independent force for change in New Brunswick. Thank you for being part of the solution with us!
Your watchdog on new glyphosate committee
New Brunswickers were treated to a pretty rare sight in the dying days of 2019: a big debate in the legislature on whether to ban the herbicide glyphosate in the Crown forest. As a result, we have a new legislative committee charged with studying the glyphosate issue and make recommendations to government. Rest assured we will be watching the committee’s work closely to ensure your concerns about glyphosate use in our woods are addressed.
Statement on N.B.-Quebec clean energy deal
We welcomed the news earlier this month that New Brunswick and Quebec have signed an agreement on clean energy supply and working toward greater cooperation and integration between regional clean energy systems. As our Lois Corbett said, it’s a smart move — as long as it doesn’t slow down the development of new renewable energy sources here in New Brunswick.
We work hard to make sure a strong environmental voice is heard in the New Brunswick print, radio and television media. Here are the latest stories Conservation Council staff have been called upon for expertise, analysis and commentary:
Jan. 21 — We need a plan for significant carbon pollution cuts first: Corbett on proposed iron processing plant: Corbett talks to CBC News about the proposed iron processing plant in northern New Brunswick and what it would mean for the province’s carbon pollution reduction targets.
Jan. 21 — “We need to bring everybody up”: Louise Comeau speaks to CTV Atlantic on the need for strong carbon pollution reduction plans across the Atlantic provinces.
Jan. 17 — A fossil fuel by any other name: Corbett on rebranding of Corridor Resources: Corbett talks to the Kings County Record about the shake-up at Corridor Resources. The gist of it? If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig — and 2020 is certainly not the decade to be investing in oil, coal or gas.
Jan. 7 — “The proof will be in the legislative change”: Corbett speaks to reporters about the province’s announcement in late 2019 that it will freeze the amount of wood big forestry companies can get from Crown land while aiming to increase the supply from private woodlot owners.
Jan 6 — Corbett revisits some N.B.’s top environment stories of 2019: Corbett connected with CBC’s Rachel Cave early in the New Year to look back at some of the top environment stories of 2019.
Exciting news!
Your Conservation Council is excited to announce a change at Conserver House to further strengthen our position as New Brunswick’s leading environmental advocate! Our current Executive Director, Lois Corbett, is assuming a new role as Senior Policy Director to focus her talents as one of Canada’s leading environmental campaigners to advance critical public policy improvements in our province. This means we’re looking for a new Executive Director with a passion for making a difference in our communities while focusing on day-to-day operations and the growth of our membership. Check out the link below for more information on this fantastic opportunity. We’ll also be filling positions for Freshwater Policy Advisor (short term contract) and interns. Check back for more on these positions (and let us know if you know any sharp young people!).