In this edition of EcoNews, we are excited to introduce new artists to our Harm to Harmony artist-in-residence and mentorship program; advocate for strong, clean electricity regulations; raise awareness about the risks of shale gas exploration; call for a transition to electric school buses; share tips for attracting hummingbirds; and celebrate a major milestone in the restoration the Schoodic River.

Conservation Council welcomes hip-hop artist, poet and painter to From Harm to Harmony artist-in-residence and mentorship program

Our community art project just keeps on growing! We are thrilled to announce the newest additions to our From Harm to Harmony community-engaged artist-in-residence and mentorship program. We are pleased to welcome Stephen Hero, a hip-hop artist from Saint John, Shoshanna Wingate, a poet from Sackville, and Mario Dorion, a painter from Saint-Paul – whom you may remember from his past work with us.

Although we can’t spill the beans on all the great artwork they’re putting together for us just yet, look forward to some catchy rhymes, danceable beats and stunning images to inspire you throughout this coming year!

Send your letter for secure, affordable, sustainable electricity

This spring, the federal government will announce its new Clean Electricity Regulations (CER) a new set of regulations aimed at curbing emissions generated by producing electricity – something Canada desperately needs if it wants to reach its commitment towards a net-zero electricity grid by 2035. But provinces like New Brunswick, utilities like NB Power and shale gas companies are responding by trying to weaken the regulations. That’s where you come in!

We need our supporters to let their MLAs know that we won’t stand for watered-down measures. There’s too much at stake! Join our letter-writing campaign calling for a strong and effective Clean Electricity Regulations that closes the door on extensions and loopholes for fossil fuel companies and puts an end to the counterproductive practice of burning biomass to create electricity.

What do we know about shale gas development?

With over 2,500 scientific studies, journalistic investigations and government regulatory reports all in agreement, the science is no longer in dispute: Shale gas extraction poses a significant threat to public health, water and environment, and our climate.

The science is clear: It’s time to put the case for shale exploration in New Brunswick out of its misery, once and for all. Don’t let the provincial government roll back the province’s hard-won moratorium on shale gas, and undo years of protests, advocacy and collaboration.Use our shale gas factsheet to help refresh your memory and help educate your family and friends on the risks associated with the shale gas extraction process.

The case against shale gas: Data overwhelmingly supports continued moratorium

With the provincial government licking its lips and eyeing shale gas reserves in Albert County, New Brunswick Anti-shale Gas Alliance spokesperson, Jim Emberger, is back in the news. Originally published in the March 24 edition of the Telegraph-Journal, Emberger’s commentary challenges the province’s campaign to resurrect shale gas. Drawing upon undeniable data from various sources including the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Emberger argues the risk to ground and drinking water, lack of public support, toothless economic argument and dire consequences of a warming climate make it imperative that New Brunswick abandons the idea of any new fossil fuel development.

Tell the provincial government to stop buying diesel buses!

Want to see more EV buses on the roads in New Brunswick? This is your chance! Not only does switching to electric school buses help eliminate harmful emissions like diesel exhaust that impact our children’s health, but we also cut approximately 334 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year from the atmosphere for every diesel-burning school bus that’s replaced with an electric one.

Sign our petition urging the provincial government to commit to clear targets that achieve a 100 per cent electric school bus fleet over the next 10 years. Together, let’s pave the way for a healthier, safer and greener commute for our children and the planet!

The hummers are on their way

Our Learning Outside Director, Dr. Nadine Ives, loves to spend time in her garden planting local species to help pollinators thrive each spring. And, luckily for you, Nadine found a great way to attract hummingbirds. Let’s find out what tricks she uses to make her gardens a paradise for our pollinators! Read more to find out her secrets!

Celebrating the alewife’s journey: The Schoodic River Alewife Run

Our Fundy Baykeeper is thrilled to tell you about a major accomplishment in the Schoodic (St.Croix) river restoration effort. The slated removal of the Milltown Dam this summer means alewife, a species of fish that’s critical to the river ecosystem, can pass Salmon Falls unimpeded – and you’re all invited to grab your running shoes to join in the celebration on May 27.

We work hard to ensure a strong environmental voice is heard in New Brunswick print, radio and television media. Here are the latest stories Conservation Council staff have been called upon for expertise, analysis and commentary:

CCNB in the News

May 8 | Moe Qureshi, our manager of climate solutions, speaks with CBC Maritime Noon about replacing fossil-fuel-powered energy with wind energy. Listen to the segment here.

May 5 | Dr. Louise Comeau, our co-executive director, speaks with the Telegraph-Journal about New Brunswick exploring energy options and stresses the need for renewable energy rather than fossil-fuel-based energy. Read the story.

April 20| Comeau is quoted in the National Observer about the lack of a satisfactory provincial climate action plan. Read the story. 

April 19 | Comeau speaks with CBC about the six per cent increase in emissions from the electricity sector in New Brunswick. Listen to the interview here

April 10 | Qureshi’s op-ed on energy security following the freezing on February 4.  Read the commentary.

April 6 | Comeau speaks with CBC about NB Power potentially using a new law to create subsidiaries. Read the story. 

April 4 | Comeau speaks with CBC about NB Power’s significant salary increase for its Vice President of Nuclear Energy and his connection to the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. Read the story.

April 3 | Our waste management researcher, Paige Morgan, speaks with CBC about how the City of Fredericton’s waste management programs still lag behind those in Moncton and Saint John. Read the story. 

March 29 | Comeau speaks with CBC about what green technology tax credits mean for New Brunswick. Listen to the interview here.

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