In this edition of EcoNews, we bring you all kinds of opportunities to make your mark: join us in speaking up for nature on the eve of NatureCOP, help us defend the Bay of Fundy from salmon aquaculture expansion, and demand the feds not cut corners when it comes to experimental SMRs; we invite you to participate in our innovative forum for developing citizen-led policy on energy affordability and other energy issues; we share with you our latest research into building trust and fairness between renewable energy developers and local communities; we bring you news from our recent Annual General Meeting, and more.

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Speak Up For Nature As Canada Hosts COP15!

Conserver House is hosting the NatureBus! As Canada prepares to host the world’s biodiversity conference next week, we’re partnering with Nature Canada and organizations across the country to let decision makers gathering in Montreal know that we want real action to halt and reverse nature loss! This Sunday, our community artist collective, From Harm To Harmony, is holding a day of art and action at our office (Conserver House, 180 St. John Street Fredericton) from 1-4 p.m. Come see local art, take in poetry readings, and write your own letter to world leaders calling for swift action to protect the natural environment. The day caps off with a visit from Nature Canada’s NatureBus, which is on a cross-country tour collecting #ProtectNature letters from citizens. If you can’t make it to Fredericton on Sunday, don’t worry—use our letter-writing tool to call on the Prime Minister and Canada’s NatureCOP delegation to get serious about the biodiversity crisis.

SMR letter campaign feature

Bay of Fundy, Coastal Communities Too Important To Cut Corners

We’re working with CRED-NB and allies from N.B. and beyond to pressure the federal government to require an environmental impact assessment for the experimental small modular nuclear reactor project proposed at Point Lepreau. Right now, you can help amplify our call that the Bay of Fundy, its wondrous marine life, and the coastal communities that depend upon its waters, are too important to cut corners when it comes to risky, unproven nuclear technology.

Sign Your Name: The Bay of Fundy Is Under Enough Stress!

We need your help to shut the door on Cooke Aquaculture’s application for a new salmon farm site in an area of the Bay of Fundy that already has some of the densest fish farm siting in the world. Our Fundy Baykeeper, Matt Abbott, has written to the province asking them to deny Cooke’s request for a new site in Beaver Harbour, saying the already stressed region of the Bay of Fundy doesn’t need anymore of the pesticides and disease endemic with salmon aquaculture.

Why Do Wind Projects Fail?

One solution to tackling climate change and keeping global temperature rise under 1.5 degrees Celsius is switching from polluting fossil fuels to non-polluting renewable energy like wind and solar. Yet, even though Canadians are in favour of new wind and solar developments, they don’t always accept them into their communities. Our latest research looks at how and why renewable energy projects fail and offers a blueprint to help developers, governments and utilities better work with communities to get more wind turbines and solar panels in our neighbourhoods.


Webinar: Learn About Our Latest Research Into Community Acceptance Of Renewables

Want to learn more about the research outlined above? You’re in luck! Join Dr. Louise Comeau, Director of our Climate Solutions program and co-author of the report, and Louis-Charles Vaillancourt, researcher and co-author, for an in-depth dive into their year-long research into the factors that led to the failure of two northern New Brunswick wind farms and our recommendations for building community acceptance of renewable energy projects.


Call For Participants: Join Our Citizens' Assembly On Electricity Affordability and Energy Poverty

Our climate solutions team is organizing a forum for citizens to discuss ideas around electricity affordability, energy poverty and electricity grid modernization in order to make informed, grassroots recommendations to the provincial and federal governments. Our citizens’ assembly will take place over two days in January and we are looking for New Brunswickers from all walks of life who are serious about building an affordable, reliable and renewable electricity system. Successful applicants will receive an honorarium for their contribution and time. Click below to learn more about this exciting opportunity to make a difference in your community!

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Celebrating 53 Years Of Environmental Action

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us for our 53rd Annual General Meeting last weekend in Fredericton (and online). Our team shared the victories and challenges from the past year and laid out our plans to better advance smart and evidence-based policy to protect our land, air, water and forests in the months ahead. We also passed two members resolutions regarding salmon aquaculture and nuclear energy. Click the link below for more AGM news!

Flooding along the Wolastoq (St. John) River in Fredericton in April 2019. Photo: James West for the Conservation Council

Calling N.B. Citizen-led Groups, Nonprofits, Coalitions & Municipalities: Join The Climate Transitions Cohort!

Our friends at the Tamarack Institute are looking for New Brunswick participants in its 2023 Community Climate Transitions Cohort. The 10-month program is designed for changemakers inside and outside of local governments who are looking to develop community plans for a fair and equitable climate transition. The deadline to apply is Dec. 13 for English participants and Jan. 6, 2023 for French participants. Click the link below to learn more!


We work hard to ensure a strong environmental voice is heard in the New Brunswick print, radio and television media. Click the link below for the latest stories Conservation Council staff have been called upon for expertise, analysis and commentary:

Nov. 30, 2022 — Matt Abbott, Fundy Baykeeper and Director of Marine Conservation, speaks with Radio-Canada’s La Matinale about the Auditor General’s latest performance report, looking at the Environmental Trust Fund.

Nov. 28, 2022 — Dr. Louise Comeau speaks to Saltwire Magazine about our case study on building community acceptance of renewable energy projects.

Nov. 25, 2022 — Dr. Louise Comeau, Director of Climate Solutions, speaks with CBC Maritime Noon about rhe federal government’s new national adaptation strategy. 

Nov. 24, 2022 — Dr. Louise Comeau, Director of Climate Solutions, speaks with the Canadian Press about rhe federal government’s new national adaptation strategy. 

Recent press releases we’ve issued include:

Nov. 28, 2022 — SMRs Should Not Be Included In Port Of Belledune’s Green Energy Hub

Nov. 24, 2022 — New Brunswick Must Accelerate Climate Change Preparedness Initiatives, Align With Feds’ National Adaptation Strategy

Nov. 24, 2022 — Lack Of Fairness, Trust, Participation Kills Renewable Energy Projects, Not NIMBYism

Nov. 22, 2022 — New Brunswick Industrial And Electricity Carbon Polluters Off The Hook With Federal Carbon Pricing Plan Approval

Thank you for reading our newsletter!

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