The conversation is underway: coverage of our climate change and public health report from across Canada

Dr. Louise Comeau speaks with CTV Atlantic News.

The conversation is underway.

This week the Conservation Council released a new report aiming to start a dialogue about climate change and its effects on public health in New Brunswick. 

You can read the report, Healthy Climate, Healthy New Brunswickers: A proposal for New Brunswick that cuts pollution and protects health, here

The report, prepared for us by Dr. Louise Comeau and released on Tuesday, June 25, was covered in provincial, regional and national media. 

CTV Atlantic kicked things off with a preview story from reporter Laura Brown that aired regionally and on CTV National News on Sunday, June 23. Dr. Comeau spoke with CTV Atlantic reporter Jessica Ng for a story that ran on CTV’s Evening News on June 25, as well.

Kim Perrotta, Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE), spoke with CBC Evening News anchor Harry Forestell on Monday, June 24 about the physical and mental health effects of climate change and extreme weather in New Brunswick, as detailed in the report. The segment begins around the 17:30 mark of the broadcast.

We were back on CBC Evening News on Tuesday, June 26, with Dr. Mariane Paquet, Medical Officer of Health — North Region, speaking to Harry Forrestell about the report’s findings for New Brunswickers living in northern communities. The segment begins around the 18:45 mark.

Reporter Megan Yamoah’s story on the report, featuring Dr. Comeau, CAPE’s Perrotta, and our Executive Director Lois Corbett, was featuring on Global Evening News on June 25. Watch the video and read the web story here.

Dr. Comeau spoke with the hosts of CBC Information Morning radio programs in Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton on June 26, where she noted the workshop we held in Fredericton on Tuesday to start the conversation about climate change and its toll on physical and mental health with healthcare professionals from across the province.

Kevin Bissett’s Canadian Press story, where he spoke with Dr. Comeau and CAPE’s Kim Perrotta, was picked up by the Global and Mail national newspaper and The Toronto Star, among other outlets across the country and region.

The report was featured on the front page of the Fredericton Daily Gleaner on Wednesday, June 26 and the front page of the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal on Thursday, June 27. An article on the report also appeared in the Telegraph-Journal on the day of the report’s release.

 Radio-Canada, Huddle NB, CBC NB’s website, and CHSJ Radio in Saint John also ran stories on the report.

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