Vote for strong water protection on this World Rivers Day

This weekend marks the 13th annual World Rivers Day (on Sunday, Sept. 23), when people across the globe celebrate their local rivers and reflect on how important they are and what these watercourses mean to them.

On last year’s World Rivers Day, I reminisced about the Water Classification Regulation and highlighted the many environmental threats facing our rivers including, flooding, blue-green algae and sewage overflow. At the time, there wasn’t much to celebrate, but I was hopeful our province would soon have a smart and comprehensive water protection strategy in place.

What am I celebrating on this year’s World Rivers Day? Our province’s new water protection strategy.

Released on December 22, 2017, the strategy lays out the short-term and long-term actions the provincial government will take to move forward with a comprehensive and science-based approach to protecting our water.

I have a special ask of you for this World Rivers Day: I hope you’ll reflect on your favourite New Brunswick river and, as you prepare to head to polls to vote in the provincial election on Monday, Sept. 24, ask candidates and party leaders what they will do to ensure its health.

Wondering what else you should ask candidates to ensure they know that protecting water and our environment is important to you?  Check out the special election edition of our membership magazine, EcoAlert, where you’ll find other great questions to pose to candidates about stopping herbicide spraying and large clear cuts in our Crown forest, building a low-carbon economy, banning plastic bag waste, and more.

On this World Rivers Day, let’s celebrate, protect, and vote for clean water and a healthy environment!

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