Favourite tree stories featured on CBC Maritime Noon

The hunt to find the next great trees of New Brunswick for a book to be published in 2017 was the topic covered on CBC Maritime Noon on Dec. 2, 2016. David Palmer, a retired forester who is collaborating with the Conservation Council on the project, talked about the stunning oak, elm and balsam fir trees that people have nominated for inclusion in the book and how he hopes more of New Brunswick’s native trees can be included in the second edition of The Great Trees of New Brunswick. Palmer’s favourite tree is the yellow birch but he said that it is hard to pick just one tree and called the silver maples along the St. John River bank, the “mangrove of the Maritimes.” One listener expressed concern for his favourite tree, the sugar maple, which he said is being threatened with the conversion of natural forest to spruce plantations.

Listen here. 

To nominate your great tree, email Tracy at forest@conservationcouncil.ca or call 506 458-8747.maple


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