Climate change research – your invitation to participate

Do you power your home, business or farm using geothermal, solar, wind, small-scale hydro, or bioenergy?  Or are you thinking about installing one or more of these alternative energy technologies but feel like you face barriers you can’t solve on your own? If so, the Conservation Council encourages you to participate in one of our focus groups.

We are organizing two kinds of focus groups: one to learn how families who already use renewable energy made the decision, what they learned about renewable energy, and what they believe would help others follow in their footsteps.  Another focus group will include participants who are thinking about renewable energy to find out what they need in order to move forward.

The Conservation Council will use what we learn from the focus groups to develop communications and engagement materials and videos about renewable energy options and to develop policy proposals.  Each focus group will include up to 12 people, including couples, representing different perspectives and demographics (like age, gender and professional interests), and will last about two hours. Dates, locations, as well as time of day will be finalized once focus group participants have been selected.

If you have any concerns or have questions contact the project’s research supervisor, Louise Comeau at or by calling 506-458-8747.

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