Nature Canada’s NatureBus tour is heading to the NatureCOP in Montreal! This December, officials from 195 countries and the European Union will gather to discuss global progress on nature protection and come up with a plan to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030.
Canada’s leaders need to hear from you! The NatureBus will be making stops all over the country to collect your messages of support for a plan to restore nature. On Dec. 6, they’ll deliver the messages to the Prime Minister at NatureCOP in Montreal.
The Conservation Council’s artist collective, Harm to Harmony, has partnered with Nature Canada to host a NatureBus stop in Fredericton on Dec. 4 at our office, Conserver House, located at 180 St. John St. Join us between 1-4 p.m. for some inspiring activities led by our artist collective and to write your letter to Canadian and world leaders. Learn more below!
Our 'From Harm to Harmony' community artist collective has something special planned for you on Dec. 4!
Visual artists
Mario Doiron
Jim Kitts
Emerise Nowlan
Josephene Savarese
Ralph Simpson
Ysabelle Vautour
Local Poets
Ramneet Kalra
El Jones
Thandiwe McCarthy
Danielle Hak
What's happening at Conserver House on Dec. 4?
Our ‘From Harm to Harmony’ community artist collective has been visiting schools all over the province to encourage people to write letters to the Prime Minster and Canadian delegates heading to the NatureCOP in Montreal from Dec. 7 – 19, 2022.
Join our artists on Dec. 4 from 1-4 p.m. at Conserver House for some inspiring activities and a community letter-writing session. See some of our collective’s latest artwork (including mandalas and the results of a 28-day painting challenge for climate action!) and enjoy a live Haiku poetry reading to get everyone in the letter-writing mood!
This is a children-friendly event so be sure to bring the whole family. As you very well know, nothing beats a child’s letter to Santa — so we can only imagine what they’d have to say to Mother Earth!
If you and your kids need a little help getting started, see our letter-writing prompts below.
Visual artists
Mario Doiron
Jim Kitts
Emerise Nowlan
Josephene Savarese
Ralph Simpson
Ysabelle Vautour
Local Poets
Ramneet Kalra
El Jones
Thandiwe McCarthy
Danielle Hak (CPAWS-NB)
If you can’t make it to the bus, send a digital message to make sure your voice is heard by world leaders at NatureCOP!
Send an Email to Prime Minister Trudeau and Ministers Freeland, Guilbeault and Wilkinson
Tell the Twitterverse you sent your NatureCOP letter by tweeting at:
@JustinTrudeau @s_guilbeault @cafreeland @JonathanWNV
Be a voice for #nature! Join me in getting our message on the #NatureBus to #NatureCOP in Montreal. Tell our leaders to halt and reverse nature loss! #dontCOPout: @JustinTrudeau @s_guilbeault @cafreeland @JonathanWNV
Use these hashtags!
#NextStopNatureCOP #NatureBus #dontCOPout #NatureCOP #COP15 #ForNature #30×30 #NatureBasedSolutions
Children's letter (writing prompts)
NatureBus Project Facilitator
Émerise Leblanc-Nowlan, retired from her career as a mental health nurse, obtained her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Université de Moncton and received the Pascal Certificate of Excellence.
Émerise has participated in several painting and textile art exhibitions in Ottawa, Bouctouche and Moncton. She also managed her own art gallery Artgora for 10 years.
Author and illustrator under the artist’s name Emy, the Acadian has published five children’s books with Bouton d’or Acadie. She has received the iParenting Media Award and the Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Award.
Since 2005, Émerise has participated in several school animation projects combining art and writing in schools in the Moncton, Edmundston, Dartmouth, Montreal, and Ottawa regions.
Émerise is currently the director of the Banque d’Art Populaire Acadien collections at the Kent Museum in Bouctouche, and member of: Gallery 12, AAAPNB (Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick), CAR/FAC, TIGHR (The international Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers), and les Hookeuses du Bor’de’lo.
About From Harm to Harmony Community Art Project
Our From Harm to Harmony Community Art project connects New Brunswick artists of all levels and backgrounds with experienced artist facilitators to help express participants’ feelings about climate change and environmental issues while raising awareness about these challenges and their solutions.
By creating awareness about the specific challenges that climate change poses in New Brunswick, such as increased flooding, summer droughts, decreasing biodiversity caused by human industry, etc., we hope to inspire New Brunswickers to adopt more thoughtful practices (buying local, tree planting and species restoration, habitat conservation, reducing and recycling packaging, etc.) that will mitigate or redress the negative impacts of climate change.
Inspiring Action. Nurturing Artists. Building Community
Explore the Conservation Council of New Brunswick’s Community Arts Project