We believe in affordable and accessible public transit. As the New Brunswick Climate Change Action Plan of 2007 stated so nicely, it is essential “New Brunswickers have convenient alternatives to their private vehicles and their needs for mobility are met.” We are working to make this a reality and ensure that public transit is not just convenient, but accessible, time-effective, and affordable.
Canada is an extremely large country where the population must travel long distances to get groceries, go to school, work, and play. New Brunswickers in particular are dependent on private vehicles. This dependence is becoming increasingly costly as best exemplified when gasoline prices spiked in 2008. That same year, transportation represented 13.6% of the Canadian household expenditures. In New Brunswick, it was 17%. All that fuel also contributed to 35% of a household’s greenhouse gas emissions. The road transportation sector in New Brunswick contributed 22% of the provinces total greenhouse gas emissions.
Increased investment in public transit works, as can be seen in Vancouver where 60% of people leave their vehicles at home. Unless we actively work on developing options, our dependence of gas guzzling vehicles will continue to put our climate at risk while chewing up our fuel budgets.