Recorded Webinar: Factors affecting social acceptance of renewable energy and transmission projects

In this webinar, Dr. Louise Comeau presents a summary of our findings on public perceptions of factors influencing social acceptance of renewable energy and transmission projects in communities. This research was developed using seven focus groups in March 2022. A number of energy-related topics were included in the discussion. These ranged from factors that would encourage and discourage residents in a community in allowing renewable energy projects to be developed in their community, to benefits expected from such a project to finally, a review of several arguments designed to encourage the development of renewable energy and transmission lines. 

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Dr. Louise Comeau directs the Conservation Council of New Brunswick’s Climate Change and Energy Solutions program. Dr. Comeau has almost 30 years’ experience in analyzing and developing climate change policy, communications, and solutions-related programming. She holds a doctorate in environmental management, focused on environmental ethics and behaviour change from UNB.

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