Sign On To Our Letter To Premier Higgs Calling For Climate Action And Electricity Reform in N.B.

Add your voice for climate action

Add Your Voice For Climate Action in N.B.

As the provincial legislature resumed Nov. 2, 2021, the Conservation Council of New Brunswick sent a letter to Premier Blaine Higgs laying out our recommendations to advance climate action in this important legislative session. 

We’re inviting New Brunswickers to add their voice to our call for urgent climate action and electricity reform in New Brunswick!  

Our letter urges Premier Higgs to review and update New Brunswick’s Climate Action Plan, which turns five years old in December. A lot has changed in the last five years, and far too little action has taken place in our province. We need an updated climate action plan that makes it easier and more affordable for citizens to do their part for climate action. We need a plan that holds large corporations accountable for lowering their carbon pollution footprint. We need a plan to reform our electricity system and phase out all fossil fuel generation within the next 10 years.

You can read our full letter here.

The need for urgent climate action in New Brunswick is clear. This summer our citizens experienced intense heat waves and prolonged droughts and low water levels in rivers and streams, while across the world we witnessed deadly floods, heatwaves and hurricanes. This month, world leaders are meeting in Glasgow, Scotland for the United Nations Climate Conference, with the goal of securing more commitments and action to end coal use worldwide and lower our emissions to levels that will keep the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius in hopes of avoiding the worst of climate catastrophes. 

You can help push New Brunswick in the right direction by signing on to our letter to Premier Higgs and adding your voice for urgent, meaningful climate action in New Brunswick!

Sign on using the form below