Sign the 2015 Earth Day Flag!

ecokids_flag_1-300x261In 1992, then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney presented the Earth Day Flag to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, where the first international agreement on climate protection was signed. The flag had been knit together with pieces of fabric from across the country, marked with the signatures of 500,000 Canadians as a symbol of their commitment to climate action.

This December, when world leaders gather in Paris for the next major climate conference, the 2015 Earth Day Flag will be there. An initiative of Earth Day Canada – our national partner on 2015 Earth Day celebrations and the organization behind the original 1992 flag – the goal is to collect one million signatures from Canadians who are committed to making Earth Day Every Day by reducing their carbon footprint.

New Brunswickers are invited to sign the 2015 Earth Day Flag between April 22 and Sept. 22, 2015. Signatures will be collected and placed or printed on pieces of cloth that will be sewn together to create a mosaic flag.  on the flag headed for COP21 International Climate Conference in December. Find out how you can sign the 2015 Earth Day Flag and join this historic moment for climate protection.

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