Tracy Glynn on new forestry plan

Our Forest Conservation Coordinator, Tracy Glynn, was quoted in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal in a story about the new forestry plan that ran on Wednesday, Feb. 11.

Glynn spoke of the pressure governments face from forestry companies who want the ability to clear-cut in conservation forest and deer yards, buffer zones along streams and rivers, old forest, and wildlife habitat areas.

The article stated that Natural Resources Minister Denis Landry was delaying a review of the forestry plan introduced by the previous government in order to include the large number of groups that want included in the process. The Conservation Council was among those calling for a review that included input from interested and affected stakeholders.

The Conservation Council is confident a review of the unfair contracts signed between the previous government and industry and a review of the unsustainable forest management plan will lead to a new plan that doesn’t put the future of our public forests and wildlife at risk. CCNB says a revised plan would protect sensitive areas such as along riverbanks and streams, preserve old growth stands, protect areas that are important for deer, lynx and other woodland creatures, and discontinue herbicide spraying like governments in Nova Scotia and Quebec have done for years.

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