Our Executive Director, Lois Corbett, welcomed news reported by the CBC on June 29 that the provincial Department of Health is considering testing and reporting water quality at more provincial park beaches.
Right now, water quality test results are only made public for Parlee and Murray beaches.
“We do need to report some of the water quality test results that we collect all over New Brunswick much more often, and in a much more transparent way,” Corbett told the CBC.
“How do we protect people with the data that officials have if we don’t tell them? We should be able to click on a site and check the history of recreational water quality in my favourite lake for example, or my favourite Northumberland Strait Beach.”
For more coverage, see:
June 29: Corbett talks the good and the bad from first-ever Canada Beach Report
June 24: Want to protect beaches? Make it the law: Corbett
May 15: Conservation Council’s Lois Corbett featured in Canadian Press story on Parlee Beach
May 12: Don’t stop at just one beach: Corbett on Northumberland Strait coastal protections