There are only about 400 North Atlantic right whales left in the world. This critically endangered species, which grows up to 16 metres long, spends its summers in Canadian waters and migrates to southern waters off the United States during the winter.
Right whales need your help.
On May 5th, 2020, Fisheries and Oceans Canada published a long-awaited draft Action Plan for the recovery of the North Atlantic right whale. However, the Action Plan has many significant shortcomings—its objectives were based on outdated science, there were no clear and specific targets for reducing risk from human activities like ship strikes, and it focuses on the cost of action rather than the benefits of saving this species in our waters.
The public has until Aug. 9 to weigh in on the plan. We’re partnered with Oceans North, Ecology Action Centre and the Canadian Wildlife Federation to make it easier for you to have your say. Follow the link below and use our letter-writing tool to speak out for the beautiful right whale!